The first Digital Health Test Bed was the ‘Enhanced View of The Shared Health Summary’ on My Health Record, where our POLAR system developed new functionality allowing GP’s to see any differences between information on their local clinical system and information on MHR.
The 2nd Digital Health Test Bed we took part in was Developing an Algorithm Predicting Risk of Unplanned Hospitalisation. By using our POLAR system, we helped design and develop a point-of-care ‘Diversion’ tool which measures a patient’s risk of Emergency Department presentation based on data in their GP’s clinical information system and their My Health Record (MHR) Shared Health Summary.
These improvements to our POLAR system enhanced the GPs and PHN experience. Outcome Health revolutionise the way medical data is being used. POLAR means better health outcomes for millions of patients.
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POLAR – Data Driven Innovation
POLAR (POpulation Level Analysis and Reporting) is a dedicated reporting and analytical tool used by PHNs to visualise and monitor key health service access trends, providing insight and planning activities, project management, and evaluation:
If you want to learn how to unlock the hidden potential of your data, please contact us at: (03) 8822 8433 or